If the adapter is incorrectly mounted on the thermostat, it may not be possible to remove the adapter. 

If this is the case, it will be difficult to remove the adapter without damaging it.

These instructions will show you how to best remove with the adapter without damaging the thermostat.

Steps for disassembly of the adapter

1. Remove the thermostat battery cover and remove the batteries.

2. Press and hold the key while unscrewing the adapter. If necessary, use suitable pliers.

If the adapter cannot be loosened and it cannot be removed by the conventional method, you can perform the following steps.

Tools needed:

  • small screwdriver
  • pipe wrench

1. Remove the thermostat battery cover and remove the batteries.

2. Carefully remove the outer ring. Carefully push it in the direction of the adapter. While doing so, carefully loosen the holders on the left and right with a small screwdriver.

Make sure that this does not bend or break.

3. Rotate the adapter until you see a gap (marked yellow) in the RED marked slot.

4. Take a small screwdriver and gently push it into the gap so that it is wedged tightly.

5. Now use the pliers to twist off the adapter ring.

6. After the adapter is removed, reassemble the outer ring to the thermostat.