If the Z-Wave version 3.0 is used on the HomeCenter 3 or Home Center 3 Lite, it can happen that some devices do not have a setting option for parameters. Mostly the template is missing and the creation of parameters is not possible.

To be able to set these parameters, use this Quick APP.

  1. Download the Quick App.
  2. Open the interface of your HomeCenter and log in.
  3. Switch to the Devices menu and press Add device.
  4. Select Other Device and Upload File.
    1. Select the downloaded file
    2. Confirm with Open
  5. Open the setting of the Quick-App Configuration Set @Z-Wave Europe
  6. Switch to the Variables menu
    1. Change the variables as follows:
      1. deviceId ...  Fibaro ID of the device to be configured (located next to the icon of the device)
      2. parameterId ... ID of the parameter which is to be changed
      3. parameterByte... Size of the parameter in bytes (1, 2 or 4)
      4. parameterValue... New value of the parameter
    2. Drücken Sie auf Speichern.
  7. Switch to the Dashboard or the Edit & Preview menu.
  8. Press the SET CONFIGURATION button.

After you have done this, the parameter is changed. For battery-operated devices, make sure that they are awakened to accept the setting.

Note: The ON/OFF button only resets the display, but does not trigger any action.