This page provides the steps to download and use SiLabs PC Controller 5 (Zensys Tools 5) as the ultimate management tool with your Z-Stick Gen5 and form part of the larger Z-Stick 7 user guide.  

SiLabs now offers their Zensys Tools 5 for free as long as you sign up and create an account through Silabs. Zensys Tools 5 can be used with Z-Stick 7 or any Z-Wave USB Adapter (Series 500 or Series 700) as a method to debug your network or see more on how Z-Wave communicates through experimentation. 

Notes - You may download the older PC Controller tool at the bottom of this article for version 4.76.


  • Windows OS (Simplicity Studios can be installed on Windows, Linux, or OSX, but PC Controller 5 is only supported with Windows).
  • Z-Wave USB Adapter hardware

Follow these steps to download PC Controller 5.

Video Steps.

Notes: In the textual steps, this video starts off on the final point of Step 5. 

Textual Steps. 

  1. Click on this link here to create an account with Silicon Labs: (If you already have an account, please skip to step 3)
  2. Confirm your account via the confirmation email from Silabs.
  3. Now Login to your account.
  4. Download Simplicity Studio 5 here and select the OS you are using:
  5. Install Simplicity Studio 5, after installation, the interface should automatically open up.
    1. Mount SimplicityStudio-5.iso as a virtual drive
      1. On Windows 10 or 11, double-clicking the ISO and opening it with "Windows Explorer" will mount the ISO automatically. 
    2. double click the new virtual drive 
    3. Finalize your installation of Simplicity Studio, this will take about a minute or 2. 
    4. Simplicity Studios should automatically open.

  6. Login to Simplicity Studios with your SiLabs account.
    • Required Login: You must login in order to use either PC Controller 5 or Zniffer, if you do not log in, these tools will not appear.

  7. Wait for Simplicity Studios to finalize its bootup.

  8. When the initial bootup is finished, click on "Install by technology type (wireless, Xpress, MCU, sensors)"

  9. Checkmark "32-bit and Wireless MCU", then click on "Next".

  10. Select "Auto" then click "Next".

  11. When installation is done, Simplicity studios will ask to restart, click OK.

  12. Read and then agree to the license agreement, then press next.
  13. Wait for it to install, this will take about 8+ minutes. Windows may request you to accept some installation during the z-wave software download/update a few times.
    1. Select YES to any windows popups.

  14. After installation, Simplicity Studios will reset, press OK to reset your software and complete the installation.

How to open PC Controller 5 in Simplicity Studios.

  1. Open up Simplicity Studios
  2. Click on Tools.
  3. Scroll to the bottom and select PC Controller.
  4. Press OK.